Batch insert/update using Mongoid? Batch insert/update using Mongoid? mongodb mongodb

Batch insert/update using Mongoid?

You can insert a batch array of hashes using the ruby mongo driver's insert method. From any Mongoid class, you can call collection to access it.

batch = [{:name => "mongodb"}, {:name => "mongoid"}]  Article.collection.insert(batch)

If you want to batch insert Mongoid documents (models) instead of hashes, call your model's as_document method before placing it into array:

@page_views << page_view.as_document



You can use this:

books = [{:name => "Harry Potter"}, {:name => "Night"}]  Book.collection.insert_many(books)

And I find that "insert" does not work for me(Monogoid 5.1.3):

NoMethodError: undefined method `insert' for # <Mongo::Collection:0x007fbdbc9b1cd0>Did you mean?  insert_one               insert_many               inspect

This is the source code from "lib/mongo/collection.rb":

# Insert the provided documents into the collection.## @example Insert documents into the collection.#   collection.insert_many([{ name: 'test' }])## @param [ Array<Hash> ] documents The documents to insert.# @param [ Hash ] options The insert options.## @return [ Result ] The database response wrapper.## @since 2.0.0def insert_many(documents, options = {})  inserts ={ |doc| { :insert_one => doc }}  bulk_write(inserts, options)end