Can a native iOS client connect to a meteor.js server? Can a native iOS client connect to a meteor.js server? mongodb mongodb

Can a native iOS client connect to a meteor.js server?

For anyone interested in this, I've been working on an objective ddp client library here. I've only just started and there is no documentation yet, but everything works well. The project is here:

The specs for the ddp client are here:

I'm also building a library for meteor auth so ios clients can authenticate with a meteor server using the password package. It's all put together and working in this sample todo app (also part of the same repo):

not a full answers but hopefully a few pointers to get you started.

Meteor uses a protocol called DDP - Distributed Data Protocol. The blog post introducing it is here:

There is an Objective-C client library on github here: Although I can't vouch for it and it has no real documentation, the code is short and should be reasonably understandable by someone who already writes Objective-C.

Other than that I would suggest digging in and see if you can uncover any techniques for iOS clients. It's early days for Meteor and were all learning how to use it.