Can you have mongo $push prepend instead of append? Can you have mongo $push prepend instead of append? mongodb mongodb

Can you have mongo $push prepend instead of append?

As of MongoDB v2.5.3, there is a new $position operator that you can include along with the $each operator as part of your $push query to specify the location in the array at which you would like to insert a value.

Here's an example from the docs page to add the elements 20 and 30 at the array index of 2::

db.students.update( { _id: 1 },                    { $push: { scores: {                                         $each: [ 20, 30 ],                                         $position: 2                                       }                             }                    }                  )


Use negative index with $set for prepend, tested in mongo v2.2:

> db.test.insert({'array': [4, 5, 6]})> db.test.find(){ "_id" : ObjectId("513ad0f8afdfe1e6736e49eb"),  "array" : [ 4, 5, 6 ] }//prepend 3> db.test.update({"_id" : ObjectId("513ad0f8afdfe1e6736e49eb")},                  {'$set': {'array.-1':     3}})> db.test.find(){ "_id" : ObjectId("513ad0f8afdfe1e6736e49eb"),   "array" : [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ] }//prepend 2> db.test.update({"_id" : ObjectId("513ad0f8afdfe1e6736e49eb")},                  {'$set': {'array.-1':     2}})> db.test.find(){ "_id" : ObjectId("513ad0f8afdfe1e6736e49eb"),   "array" : [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] }//prepend 1> db.test.update({"_id" : ObjectId("513ad0f8afdfe1e6736e49eb")},                  {'$set': {'array.-1':     1}})> db.test.find(){ "_id" : ObjectId("513ad0f8afdfe1e6736e49eb"),   "array" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] }

A similar question was asked a few days ago. Unfortunately, the short answer is, "no", but there is an open request for this feature. - "$push() to front of array"

There is some more information as well as a possible work-around on the other thread: "Use MongoDB array as stack" - Use MongoDB array as stack

Hopefully the above will be useful and help you to find an acceptable work-around.