Cannot overwrite model once compiled Mongoose Cannot overwrite model once compiled Mongoose mongodb mongodb

Cannot overwrite model once compiled Mongoose

Another reason you might get this error is if you use the same model in different files but your require path has a different case.

For example, in my situation I had require('./models/User') in one file, and then in another file where I needed access to the User model, I had require('./models/user').

I guess the lookup for modules & mongoose is treating it as a different file. Once I made sure the case matched in both it was no longer an issue.

The error is occurring because you already have a schema defined, and then you are defining the schema again. Generally what you should do is instantiate the schema once, and then have a global object call it when it needs it.

For example:


var mongoose = require('mongoose');var Schema = mongoose.Schema;var userSchema = new Schema({   name:String,   email:String,   password:String,   phone:Number,   _enabled:Boolean});module.exports = mongoose.model('users', userSchema);          


var mongoose = require('mongoose');var User = require('./user_model.js');var db = mongoose.createConnection('localhost', 'event-db');db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));var a1= db.once('open',function(){  User.find({},{},function (err, users) {    mongoose.connection.close();    console.log("Username supplied"+username);    //doSomethingHere   })});


var mongoose = require('mongoose');var User = require('./user_model.js');mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/event-db');var new_user = new User({  , email:  , password: req.body.password  , phone:  , _enabled:false });{  if(err) console.log(err); });

I had this issue while 'watching' tests.When the tests were edited, the watch re-ran the tests, but they failed due to this very reason.

I fixed it by checking if the model exists then use it, else create it.

import mongoose from 'mongoose';import user from './schemas/user';export const User = mongoose.models.User || mongoose.model('User', user);