Choosing MongoDb/CouchDb/RavenDb - performance and scalability advice [closed] Choosing MongoDb/CouchDb/RavenDb - performance and scalability advice [closed] mongodb mongodb

Choosing MongoDb/CouchDb/RavenDb - performance and scalability advice [closed]

if "20,000 concurrent writes" means inserts then I would go for CouchDB and use "_changes" api for triggers. But with 20.000 writes you would need a stable sharding aswell. Then you would better take a look at bigcouch

And if "20.000" concurrent writes consist "mostly" updates I would go for MongoDB for sure, since Its "update in place" is pretty awesome. But then you should handle triggers manually, but using another collection to update in place a general document can be a handy solution. Again be careful about sharding.

Finally I think you cannot select a database with just concurrency, you need to plan the api (how you would retrieve data) then look at options in hand.

I would recommend MongoDB. My requirements wasn't nearly as high as yours but it was reasonably close. Assuming you'll be using C#, I recommend the official MongoDB C# driver and the InsertBatch method with SafeMode turned on. It will literally write data as fast as your file system can handle. A few caveats:

  1. MongoDB does not support triggers (at least the last time I checked).
  2. MongoDB initially caches data to RAM before syncing to disk. If you need real-time needs with durability, you might want to set fsync lower. This will have a significant performance hit.
  3. The C# driver is a little wonky. I don't know if it's just me but I get odd errors whenever I try to run any long running operations with it. The C++ driver is much better and actually faster than the C# driver (or any other driver for that matter).

That being said, I'd also recommend looking into RavenDB as well. It supports everything you're looking for but for the life of me, I couldn't get it to perform anywhere close to Mongo.

The only other database that came close to MongoDB was Riak. Its default Bitcask backend is ridiculously fast as long as you have enough memory to store the keyspace but as I recall it doesn't support triggers.

Membase (and the soon-to-be-released Couchbase Server) will easily handle your needs and provide dynamic scalability (on-the-fly add or remove nodes), replication with failover. The memcached caching layer on top will easily handle 200k ops/sec, and you can linearly scale out with multiple nodes to support getting the data persisted to disk.

We've got some recent benchmarks showing extremely low latency (which roughly equates to high throughput):

Don't know how important it is for you to have a supported Enterprise class product with engineering and QA resources behind it, but that's available too.

Edit: Forgot to mention that there is a built-in trigger interface already, and we're extending it even further to track when data hits disk (persisted) or is replicated.
