Connecting Heroku App to Atlas MongoDB Cloud service Connecting Heroku App to Atlas MongoDB Cloud service mongodb mongodb

Connecting Heroku App to Atlas MongoDB Cloud service

What I think might fix your problem

Disclaimer: I have used neither Heroku nor MongoDB Atlas but I am looking into them.

According to a Github issue I found, you will get that error message if you haven't whitelisted the server IP addresses in MongoDB Atlas.

Reading the MongoDB Atlas docs, the only way I see to do this in combination with Heroku dynos is to add (i.e. all addresses) to your MongoDB Atlas whitelist.

Give that a try and please report back whether you can instantiate a connection.


Trying to reply to the SSL question, I do not think that you need to enable it on Heroku based on what I read, although I am not totally sure.

If the MongoDB server performed certificate validation, the Node.js code for connecting to it would have to look like the following (taken from the Node.js driver documentation):

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient,  f = require('util').format,  fs = require('fs');// Read the certificatesvar ca = [fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/ssl/ca.pem")];var cert = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/ssl/client.pem");var key = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/ssl/client.pem");// Connect validating the returned certificates from the serverMongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/test?ssl=true", {  server: {      sslValidate:true    , sslCA:ca    , sslKey:key    , sslCert:cert    , sslPass:'10gen'  }}, function(err, db) {  db.close();});

If the MongoDB server does not check for any SSL certificates, you can simply use code like the following (also taken from the Node.js driver documentation):

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/test?ssl=true", function(err, db) {  db.close();});

Given that the Atlas documentation contains the following example code for connecting to it from Node.js, I think that you do not have to enable SSL on Heroku:

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;var uri = "mongodb://,,";MongoClient.connect(uri, function(err, db) {  db.close();});

You can find all IP ranges for Heroku with this command:

HEROKU_REGION=eu; sudo apt -qqy install curl jq 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null; heroku regions --json 2>/dev/null | jq ".[] | select(.name==\"$HEROKU_REGION\") | .provider.region" | (REGION=$(cat); curl -s |  jq ".prefixes[] | select(.region==$REGION) | .ip_prefix")

Also had to add to the Mongo IP whitelist AND redeploy my app on Heroku for it to finally work (before changing IP, a CORS error was thrown).