Easy way to increment Mongoose document versions for any update queries? Easy way to increment Mongoose document versions for any update queries? mongodb mongodb

Easy way to increment Mongoose document versions for any update queries?

I'd say this is the way to go. pre middleware fits exactly this need, and I don't know any other way. In fact this is what I'm doing in all my schemas.

What you need to be aware of though, is the difference between document and query middleware.Document middleware are executed for init, validate, save and remove operations. There, this refers to the document:

schema.pre('save', function(next) {  this.increment();  return next();});

Query middleware are executed for count, find, findOne, findOneAndRemove, findOneAndUpdate and update operations. There, this refers to the query object. Updating the version field for such operations would look like this:

schema.pre('update', function( next ) {  this.update({}, { $inc: { __v: 1 } }, next );});

Source: mongoose documentation.

For me the simplest way to do that is :

clientsController.putClient = async (req, res) => {const id = req.params.id;const data = req.body;data.__v++;await Clients.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id }, data)    .then( () =>     {        res.json(Ok);    }    ).catch ( err => {        Error.code = '';        Error.error = err;        res.json(Error);    })
