Error when creating a mongodb replicaset - shows unrecognized option '--smallfiles' Error when creating a mongodb replicaset - shows unrecognized option '--smallfiles' mongodb mongodb

Error when creating a mongodb replicaset - shows unrecognized option '--smallfiles'

--smallfiles is not supported in newest mongo (4.2) you can check it in doc, you are not specifying image tag so newest latest is pull in this case mongo 4.2.

If you set image: mongo:4.0 your configuration should be correct.

Try removing the small file or else please try the block below i have provided.

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: StatefulSetmetadata:  labels:    app: mongodb-replicaset    name: logs-mongodb-replicasetspec:  podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady  replicas: 3  revisionHistoryLimit: 10  selector:    matchLabels:      app: mongodb-replicaset  serviceName: logs-mongodb-replicaset  template:    metadata:      creationTimestamp: null      labels:        app: mongodb-replicaset    spec:      containers:      - args:        - --config=/data/configdb/mongod.conf        - --dbpath=/data/db        - --replSet=rs0        - --port=27017        - --bind_ip=        command:        - mongod        image: mongo:3.6        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent        livenessProbe:          exec:            command:            - mongo            - --eval            - db.adminCommand('ping')          failureThreshold: 3          initialDelaySeconds: 30          periodSeconds: 10          successThreshold: 1          timeoutSeconds: 5        name: mongodb-replicaset        ports:        - containerPort: 27017          name: peer          protocol: TCP        readinessProbe:          exec:            command:            - mongo            - --eval            - db.adminCommand('ping')          failureThreshold: 3          initialDelaySeconds: 5          periodSeconds: 10          successThreshold: 1          timeoutSeconds: 1        resources: {}        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log        terminationMessagePolicy: File        volumeMounts:        - mountPath: /data/db          name: datadir        - mountPath: /data/configdb          name: configdir        - mountPath: /work-dir          name: workdir