find by regular expression with Casbah find by regular expression with Casbah mongodb mongodb

find by regular expression with Casbah

You are close, you just need to wrap your conditions in a MongoDBObject().

We had to pull out the implicit conversions of <key> -> <value> in a bunch of places because they were hard to catch properly and were breaking other code.

They'll probably be back in 2.1.

Do this instead:

val coll = MongoConnection()("foo")("bar")for(x <- coll.find(MongoDBObject("name" -> ".*son$".r))) {   // some operations...}

For adding IGNORECASE above answer will not work by appending "/i" at the end of regex in Scala, Casbah.For this purpose use:

val EmailPattern = Pattern.compile(companyName,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)val q = MongoDBObject("companyName" ->  EmailPattern)val result = MongoFactory.COLLECTION_NAME.findOne(q)