Getting error while transferring files from ec2 to s3 using boto Getting error while transferring files from ec2 to s3 using boto mongodb mongodb

Getting error while transferring files from ec2 to s3 using boto

As I didn't get any update how to make it work I used s3cmd in my bash script. But I have to still test it for files >1gb.

Here is the updated code -

#!/bin/shMONGODB_SHELL='/usr/bin/mongo'DUMP_UTILITY='/usr/bin/mongodump'DB_NAME='amicus'date_now=`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`dir_name='db_backup_'${date_now}file_name='db_backup_'${date_now}'.bz2'log() {    echo $1}do_cleanup(){    rm -rf db_backup_2010*     log 'cleaning up....'}do_backup(){    log 'snapshotting the db and creating archive' && \    ${DUMP_UTILITY} -d ${DB_NAME} -o ${dir_name} && tar -jcf $file_name ${dir_name}    log 'data backd up and created snapshot'}save_in_s3(){    log 'saving the backup archive in amazon S3' && \    python set ${file_name} && \    s3cmd put ${file_name} s3://YOURBUCKETNAME    log 'data backup saved in amazon s3'}do_backup && save_in_s3 && do_cleanup

This probably has to do with the size of the file uploaded.

"Connection reset by peer" usually means that the remote server closed the connection (don't think it's a boto problem). Also going to guess this is some sort of timeout you are hitting for making the request (for a large file the transfer takes a lot of time).

I would recommend to look into multipart uploads if you want to do this yourself. See this example:

s3cmd does this in the back based on the file size.