Gruntjs - Running Multiple Blocking Tasks in a Specific Order ( Mongo & Node.js ) Gruntjs - Running Multiple Blocking Tasks in a Specific Order ( Mongo & Node.js ) mongodb mongodb

Gruntjs - Running Multiple Blocking Tasks in a Specific Order ( Mongo & Node.js )

Trying using grunt-nodemon with shell:mongo while specifying "options: { async: true }"

concurrent: {        tasks: ['shell', 'nodemon'],        options: {            logConcurrentOutput: true        }    },    shell: {        mongo: {            command: 'mongod',            options: {                async: true            }        }    },nodemon: {        dev: {            script: "server.js",        }    }

This worked for me.

You can interval check the mongodb's service port to see if it is accessible?\