Has anyone found an efficient way to store BSON ObjectId values in an SQL database? Has anyone found an efficient way to store BSON ObjectId values in an SQL database? mongodb mongodb

Has anyone found an efficient way to store BSON ObjectId values in an SQL database?

The range of a 12-byte unsigned int would be 0..79228162514264337593543950335 (29 digits max); according to docs (same URL you cited), a DECIMAL/NUMERIC column packs each group of nine base10 digits into four bytes (adding up to floor(29 / 9) * 4 = 3 * 4 = 12 bytes for the first 27 digits), with the remaining 2 digits taking an additional byte, coming up to 13 bytes of storage for a DECIMAL(29) column.

Or, you can store them as BINARY(12).