Has anyone used an object database with a large amount of data? Has anyone used an object database with a large amount of data? mongodb mongodb

Has anyone used an object database with a large amount of data?

Someone just went into production with a 12 terabytes of data in MongoDB. The largest I knew of before that was 1 TB. Lots of people are keeping really large amounts of data in Mongo.

It's important to remember that Mongo works a lot like a relational database: you need the right indexes to get good performance. You can use explain() on queries and contact the user list for help with this.

When I started db4o back in 2000 I didn't have huge databases in mind. The key goal was to store any complex object very simply with one line of code and to do that good and fast with low ressource consumption, so it can run embedded and on mobile devices.

Over time we had many users that used db4o for webapps and with quite large amounts of data, going close to todays maximum database file size of 256GB (with a configured block size of 127 bytes). So to answer your question: Yes, db4o will work with 50GB, but you shouldn't plan to use it for terabytes of data (unless you can nicely split your data over multiple db4o databases, the setup costs for a single database are negligible, you can just call #openFile() )

db4o was acquired by Versant in 2008, because it's capabilites (embedded, low ressource-consumption, lightweight) make it a great complimentary product to Versant's high-end object database VOD. VOD scales for huge amounts of data and it does so much better than relational databases. I think it will merely chuckle over 50GB.

MongoDB powers SourceForge, The New York Times, and several other large databases...