Hosting ASP.NET MVC 3 application using MongoDB Hosting ASP.NET MVC 3 application using MongoDB mongodb mongodb

Hosting ASP.NET MVC 3 application using MongoDB

I have a couple of applications with mvc 3 and mongodb.

For the mvc app regular windows hosting.For the mongodb i am using unix hosting (since it cost in several times lower than windows hosting).

Also you may need:

  1. Official c# driver for mongodb: github
  2. Official driver documentation: docs
  3. Great ui tool (like management studio for sql server) for mongodb: mongovue
  4. And mongodb manual ;)

That's all. Hope this help you quickly start development.

What do you think about combining the two?

Mongodb good fit for many web applications, it can be easy used with mvc 3 since exists nice driver for c# that contatins all latest features.

I have recently developed a small application using ASP.NET and MongoDB. I hosted the application on cheap shared Windows hosting @ and hosted the db at

I will be writing a small backup service to back up my free MongoLab db to Amazon S3, but otherwise this setup works remarkably well, even with several "Handshakes" between the application and MomgoLab every request.