How do I calculate route distance between many GeoJSON points in MongoDB? How do I calculate route distance between many GeoJSON points in MongoDB? mongodb mongodb

How do I calculate route distance between many GeoJSON points in MongoDB?

As pointed out in the comments as well, would try to draw a similar picture here using Java. Assuming your database name db and collection name as col and the document type as GeoData which could be modelled as :

public class GeoData {    String tracerId;    Location loc;    Date date;    Integer speed;    ...getters, setters and other overrides}public class Location {    String type;    Coordinate coordinates;}public class Coordinate {    double x;    double y;}

It would proceed as follows :

  1. Sort items by date field (let's say in ascending order)

    MongoDatabase database = getDatabase("db");MongoCollection<GeoData> collection = database.getCollection("col", GeoData.class);Bson sortFilter = Filters.eq("date", "1"); //sort ascendingList<GeoData> geoData = Lists.newArrayList(collection.find().sort(sortFilter));
  2. Calculate the distance between points using c = square root of [(xA-xB)^2+(yA-yB)^2]

    private static double distanceBetweenCoordinates(Coordinate a, Coordinate b) {    return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b.getX() - a.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(b.getY() - a.getY(),2));}
  3. Sum all of them to calculate route distance

    double routeDist = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i < geoData.size()-1; i++) {    routeDist += distanceBetweenCoordinates(geoData.get(i+1).getLoc().getCoordinates(), geoData.get(i+1).getLoc().getCoordinates());}