How do I format dates from Mongoose in Node.js? How do I format dates from Mongoose in Node.js? mongodb mongodb

How do I format dates from Mongoose in Node.js?

A modern way to do this is to use momentjs, both usable in node and in the browser, super useful and simple to use. For the current problem I solved it like this in node after following all the docs requirements :

var moment = require('moment');var fomatted_date = moment(photo.date_published).format('YYYY-MM-DD');

with photo.date_published directly coming from mongoose.

you have to create a Date object first:

var date = new Date(dateStr);  // dateStr you get from mongodbvar d = date.getDate();var m = date.getMonth()+1;// ...

what about defining your schema like:

var someSchema = new Schema({    title: String,    created: Date});

s.t. the date is stored as a Date object in your mongoDB. As a result, when you read it back you'll have a proper Date object on which you can work with the available methods.