How to configure StrongLoop LoopBack MongoDB datasource for deployment to Heroku How to configure StrongLoop LoopBack MongoDB datasource for deployment to Heroku mongodb mongodb

How to configure StrongLoop LoopBack MongoDB datasource for deployment to Heroku

This has now (as of June 27 2014) been addressed: create a file datasources.local.js with the following content (where mongodb is your data source name):

var mongoUri = process.env.MONGOLAB_URI ||  process.env.MONGOHQ_URL ||  'mongodb://localhost/mydb';module.exports = {  mongodb: {    defaultForType: "mongodb",    connector: "loopback-connector-mongodb",    url: mongoUri  }};

Note: datasources.json is still required (can be empty) and the .js overrides the configuration in the .json file.

This is a TODO for LoopBack to support configuration of datasources/models from environment variables and other sources. One idea is to use a template engine to load datasources.json so that it can have variables to be resolved at runtime.

Related to your question, LoopBack allows you to configure the datasource using a 'url' property. For example:

{   "connector": "loopback-connector-mongodb",   "url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb" }

As a workaround, you can write a post-deployment script for Heroku to replace the url value with process.env.MONGOLAB_URI or process.env.MONGOHQ_URL.

sed -i.bak s/MONGODB_URL/$MONGOHQ_URL/g datasources.json

Meanwhile, please open an issue at