HOW TO Find by Object ID on MongoDB with Casbah? HOW TO Find by Object ID on MongoDB with Casbah? mongodb mongodb

HOW TO Find by Object ID on MongoDB with Casbah?

"_id" is typically stored as an ObjectID in MongoDB and not a String... String and ObjectID are different types and you cannot cast a String to an ObjectId. ObjectId is a distinct type within MongoDB as well, so ObjectId("abcdefgh123") is NOT the same as the String "abcdefgh123".

You need to search by ObjectID here within Casbah. Try this instead:

def get(id: Option[ObjectId]): User = {     val mongoDB : MongoDB = MongoConnection().apply("test")    val mongoColl : MongoCollection = mongoDB.apply("users")    val objectId : ObjectId = id.getOrElse().asInstanceOf[ObjectId]    id.foreach( oid => {      val o : DBObject = MongoDBObject("_id" -> oid)      val u = mongoColl.findOne(o)      val user = new User()      for(x <- u){ = x.getAs[ObjectId]("_id")        user.username = x.getAs[String]("username")        user.password = x.getAs[String]("password")      }      user    })  }