How to handle multiple async tasks in angular.js? How to handle multiple async tasks in angular.js? mongodb mongodb

How to handle multiple async tasks in angular.js?

Promises and $q.all (ref) are your friends.

In more detail, you will have to make a promise for each call (if the call itself does not return one), push them in an array and call $q.all(promises).then(allFinished). Naive case, where $update() does not return a promise:

function callUpdate(x, promises) {    var d = $q.defer();    x.$update({stateId: $scope.states[i].id}, function() {        someFunction();        d.resolve(); // it may be appropriate to call resolve() before someFunction() depending on your case    });    promises.push(d.promise);}...var promises = [];for (var i = 0; i < $scope.states.length; i++) {    $scope.states[i].someProperty = someNewValue;    callUpdate($scope.states[i], promises);}$q.all(promises).then(function() {    // called when all promises have been resolved successully});

The reason for the existence of callUpdate() is to encapsulate the deferred object handling and return the promise.