How to insert multiple documents at once in MongoDB through Java How to insert multiple documents at once in MongoDB through Java mongodb mongodb

How to insert multiple documents at once in MongoDB through Java

DBCollection.insert accepts a parameter of type DBObject, List<DBObject> or an array of DBObjects for inserting multiple documents at once. You are passing in a string array.

You must manually populate documents(DBObjects), insert them to a List<DBObject> or an array of DBObjects and eventually insert them.

DBObject document1 = new BasicDBObject();document1.put("name", "Kiran");document1.put("age", 20);DBObject document2 = new BasicDBObject();document2.put("name", "John");List<DBObject> documents = new ArrayList<>();documents.add(document1);documents.add(document2);collection.insert(documents);

The above snippet is essentially the same as the command you would issue in the MongoDB shell:

db.people.insert( [ {name: "Kiran", age: 20}, {name: "John"} ]);

Before 3.0, you can use below code in Java

DB db = mongoClient.getDB("yourDB");            DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("yourCollection");            BulkWriteOperation builder = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();            for(DBObject doc :yourList)            {                builder.insert(doc);            }            BulkWriteResult result = builder.execute();            return result.isAcknowledged();

If you are using mongodb version 3.0 , you can use

MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("yourDB");            MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("yourCollection");            collection.insertMany(yourDocumentList);

As of MongoDB 2.6 and 2.12 version of the driver you can also now do a bulk insert operation. In Java you could use the BulkWriteOperation. An example use of this could be:

DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("user");BulkWriteOperation bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();bulk.find(new BasicDBObject("z", 1)).upsert().update(new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("y", -1)));bulk.find(new BasicDBObject("z", 1)).upsert().update(new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("y", -1)));bulk.execute();