How to set up Typegoose How to set up Typegoose mongodb mongodb

How to set up Typegoose

If you want to programm an API under the following conditions, you can use the provided minimal example below:

Conditions: NodeJSTypescriptMongoDB (locally)


If you are working with typescript, a project structure, similar to this is recommended:

├── dist|   ├── (your compiled JS)├── src|   ├── models|   |   ├── user.model.ts|   ├── user-repository.ts|   ├── app.ts|   ├── index.ts├── test|   ├── (your tests)

Furthermore, it's required to install the following packages

npm install --save typescript mongoose express @types/express @types/mongoose typegoose


This file, I just have for bootstraping purposes

import app from './app';const port = 3000;app.listen(port, (err) => {    if (err) {        return console.log(err);    }    return console.log('Server up and running on ' + port);});


Here, the actual logic is going on

import { UserRepository } from './user-repository';import * as express from 'express';export class App {    public app;    constructor() { = express();        this.config();        this.mountRoutes();    }    private mountRoutes() {        // Definition of the possible API routes'/users')            .get((req, res) => {                var repo = new UserRepository();                // we catch the result with the typical "then"                repo.getUsers().then((x) => {                    // .json(x) instead of .send(x) should also be okay                    res.status(200).send(x);                });            });        //               here with parameter        //                      |        //                      v'/users/:id')            .get((req, res) => {                var repo = new UserRepository();                repo.getUser( => {                    res.status(200).send(x);            });        });    }}export default new App().app;


import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';import { User, UserModel } from './models/user.model';export class UserRepository {    constructor() {        //                protocol  host      port  database        //                   |       |         |        |        //                   v       v         v        v        mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/mongotest');        // this only works, if your mongodb has no auth configured        // if you need authentication, use the following:        // mongoose.connect(MONGO_URL, {        //     auth: {        //         user: MONGO_DB_USER,        //         password: MONGO_DB_PASSWORD        //     },        // })    }    async getUser(id: number): Promise<User> {        //                  json query object as usual        //                               |        //                               v        return UserModel.findOne({"userId": id});    }    async getUsers(): Promise<User[]> {        return UserModel.find({});    }}


import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';import { prop, Typegoose } from 'typegoose';export class User extends Typegoose{    // properties    // |    // v    @prop()    userId: number;    @prop()    firstname?: string;    @prop()    lastname: string;    @prop()    email: string;}export const UserModel = new User().getModelForClass(User, {    existingMongoose: mongoose,    //  had many problems without that definition of the collection name    //  so better define it    //                        |    //                        v    schemaOptions: {collection: 'users'}})

As obvious, I had a mongodb running locally, having a database called mongotest and inside that a collection called users.