How to use MongoClientOptions instead of MongoOptions? How to use MongoClientOptions instead of MongoOptions? mongodb mongodb

How to use MongoClientOptions instead of MongoOptions?

Use the writeConcern method on the builder, as in:

MongoClientOptions options = MongoClientOptions.builder()                                               .writeConcern(WriteConcern.JOURNALED)                                               .build();


Things are quite a bit more complicated with client version 3.6. You'll have to instantiate a WriteConcern and use it with MongoClientOptions.Builder. Example:

import com.mongodb.MongoClient;import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions;import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;import com.mongodb.WriteConcernError;public class MongoOptionsSample{    public static void main( String[] args )    {        WriteConcern l_concern = new WriteConcern( wVal, wTimeoutMS )                .withJournal( bool );        MongoClientOptions l_opts =                MongoClientOptions                .builder()                .writeConcern( l_concern )                .build();        ServerAddress l_addr = new ServerAddress( "localhost", 27017 );        try        (                MongoClient l_conn = new MongoClient( l_addr, l_opts );        )        {            ...        }    }}

Fsync and safe are deprecated. See the WriteConcern documentation for details.

You can use like below:You can set the read prefernece and write concern using object of new Mongoclient...There are list of apis are available .Please check the below format..

        MongoClient c =  new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI("mongodb://localhost"));        DB db = c.getDB("final");        DBCollection animals = db.getCollection("emp");        BasicDBObject animal = new BasicDBObject("emp", "john");MongoClientOptions options = new MongoClient().setReadPreference(preference);MongoClientOptions options = new MongoClient().setWriteConcern(concern);  

You can add fsynk aswell..

MongoClientOptions options = new MongoClient().fsync(async)