Inserting and Querying Date with MongoDB and Nodejs Inserting and Querying Date with MongoDB and Nodejs mongodb mongodb

Inserting and Querying Date with MongoDB and Nodejs

You need to pass a date object and not a date string.

collection.findOne({last_updated: new Date('2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z')},function(err, doc) {

The MongoDB driver will transform it into ISODate:

{    "_id" : ObjectId("52dfe0c469631792dba51770"),    "last_updated" : ISODate('2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z') }

Check these questions:

To clarify. What is important to know is that:

  • Yes, you have to pass a Javascript Date object.
  • Yes, it has to be ISODate friendly
  • Yes, from my experience getting this to work, you need to manipulate the date to ISO
  • Yes, working with dates is generally always a tedious process, and mongo is no exception

Here is a working snippet of code, where we do a little bit of date manipulation to ensure Mongo can handle it correctly. In this example, I am using mongoose module and want results for rows whose date attribute is less than (ie. before) the date given as myDate param.

var inputDate = new Date(myDate.toISOString());MyModel.find({    'date': { $lte: inputDate }})

I recently ran into the same issue and I wanted to add some additional info.

You can insert dates in two ways:

  1. Created on the nodejs server side (e.g. in a ExpressJS script)

example: insert a new object and time stamp it

db.collection('mycollection').findOneAndUpdate({'name':}, {  // only "update" if it's an insert, meaning name is not found  $setOnInsert: {    'name':,    'date_added': new Date()  }}, {   upsert: true}, (err, result) => {  if(err) return res.send(err);  res.send(result);});
  1. Created on the client side from JS and then sent over the wire using a REST API in a JSON object via a POST request


// Send POST Request herefetch('addDate', {  method: 'post',  headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},  body: JSON.stringify({    'date_added':  new Date()  })})

For 1. and 2. you create the dates using the new Date('2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z') function as explained in the answers above. The difference is that if you do it as in 1. on the server side using the MongoClient package it is stored as a ISODate('2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z') in MongoDB. If you do it as in 2. on the client side it is stored as a String: '2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z' in MongoDB.

To query the ISODate object you need to use new Date('2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z') or ISODate('2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z')To query the string you use just the string: '2014-01-22T14:56:59.301Z'

Here are some query samples using the mongo shell:

Date stored as String:

db.mycollection.findOne({date_added {$gte:'2018-06-22T00:07:53.688Z'}})

This returns

{  "_id" : ObjectId("5b2c3dd90078ce3cd484ef21"),  "name" : "alfons",  "date_added" : "2018-06-22T00:07:53.688Z"}

Date stored as ISODate:

db.mycollection.findOne({date_added: {$lte: ISODate('2018-06-26T23:24:37.023Z')}})

or using "new Date" instead:

db.mycollection.findOne({date_added: {$lte: new Date('2018-06-26T23:24:37.023Z')}

This returns:

{  "_id" : ObjectId("5b2bb21e1954b104e61ff735"),  "name" : "ceasar",  "date_added" : ISODate("2018-06-21T14:11:41.323Z")}