Installing the PHP 7 MongoDB Client/Driver? Installing the PHP 7 MongoDB Client/Driver? mongodb mongodb

Installing the PHP 7 MongoDB Client/Driver?

The Mongo extension for PHP Version 5.99.99 or older has been superseded:

Use the newer one for PHP Version 7.99.99 or older instead:

You can install a PECL/PEAR extension automatically:

pecl install mongodb

or manually.

The classes have been changed too:

new \MongoClient(); // legacy class!


new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager(); // new classes! 


Additional information regarding compatibility can be found here:

The MongoDB driver that supports PHP 7 was only released December 22nd - its likely downstream repositories like brew haven't updated.

Update confirmed there is currently no php70-mongo brew script, though there is an active pull request to add one.

You may be able to install it manually via pecl in the meantime:

pecl channel-update pecl.php.netpecl install mongodbecho "" >> `php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration" | sed -e "s|.*:\s*||"`

How to connect php 7.0 with MongoDB in ubuntu 16.04 lts?

1)Install LAMP using the following link. It installs Apache2, mysql and php 7.0.

2)Install the MongoDB community Edition on Ubuntu using the steps in the following link.

3)Type the following command to get the mongoDB extension from pecl

sudo apt install php-pear

4)Add the following to the php.ini file at /etc/php/apache2/7.0

Important - The classes have been changed too:

new MongoClient();  //Old Classnew MongoDB\Driver\Manager(); // New Class

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