Is there a simple way to export the data from a meteor deployed app? Is there a simple way to export the data from a meteor deployed app? mongodb mongodb

Is there a simple way to export the data from a meteor deployed app?

To get the URL for your deployed site at use the command (you may need to provide your site password if you password protected it):

meteor mongo --url

Which will return something like :


Which you can give to a program like mongodump

mongodump -u client -h -d YOURSITE_meteor_com\          -p PASSWORD

The password is only good for one minute. For usage:

$ meteor --help mongo

And here's how to do the opposite: (uploading your local monogo db to meteor)

# How to upload local db to meteor:# -h = host, -d = database name, -o = dump folder namemongodump -h -d meteor -o meteor# get meteor db url, username, and passwordmeteor mongo --url -h = host, -d = database name (app domain), -p = password, folder = the path to the dumped dbmongorestore -u client -h -d myapp_meteor_com -p 'password' folder/

Based on Kasper Souren's solution I created an updated script that works with current versions of Meteor and also works when you protect your remote Meteor app with a password.

Please create the following script

spawn = require('child_process').spawnmongo = spawn 'meteor', ['mongo', '--url', ''], stdio: [process.stdin, 'pipe', process.stderr]mongo.stdout.on 'data', (data) ->    data = data.toString()    m = data.match /mongodb:\/\/([^:]+):([^@]+)@([^:]+):27017\/([^\/]+)/    if m?        process.stdout.write "-u #{m[1]} -p #{m[2]} -h #{m[3]} -d #{m[4]}"    else        if data == 'Password: '            process.stderr.write data

Then execute it like this in a *nix shell:

mongodump `coffee`