Laravel Homestead Mongo install causing PHP error undefined symbol: php_json_serializable_ce in Unknown on line 0 Laravel Homestead Mongo install causing PHP error undefined symbol: php_json_serializable_ce in Unknown on line 0 mongodb mongodb

Laravel Homestead Mongo install causing PHP error undefined symbol: php_json_serializable_ce in Unknown on line 0

I think the problem is here that depends on The solution is to load after

I guess you are using the custom Mongo script for Homestead. The script outputs the module in php.ini file with the result that is loaded first.You should create a mongodb.ini file where is loaded.

Create the .ini-file: /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/mongodb.ini with content:

; configuration for php mongo module;

Give it priority 30, since json gets 20 (in my settings) to be sure it is loaded afterwards.

Create a softlink of the ini-file to /etc/php/7.0/fpm/conf.d to make it available for the webserver.

ln -s /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/mongodb.ini 30-mongodb.ini

Reload webserver and php-fpm.

sudo service [your webserver] restart && sudo service php7.0-fpm restart

You are done! You can config the cli-version the same way

I had the same problem, I solved it by reverting to an older PECL mongodb version (1.1.9). There was an update to version 1.2.0 on November 29th, which is why the mongo-php-library also got updated to version 1.1.0.

Here is what I did:

sudo pecl uninstall mongodbsudo pecl install mongodb-1.1.9composer update

The pecl commands will show the same warning, but the installation was successfully completed.

I hope that the mongo-php-library will be fixed soon, so we're not stuck using an older PECL extension.