lookup with pipeline and geoIntersects that use let variable lookup with pipeline and geoIntersects that use let variable mongodb mongodb

lookup with pipeline and geoIntersects that use let variable

Unfortunately coordinates can't be populated from document field.

Geospatial are query expressions and $let variables are only permitted to use in $match with $expr variant for aggregation expressions in $lookup pipeline.

You have to perform the query in two steps.

First step to get the coordinates for matching record.

var result =  db.posts.findOne({ _id: ObjectId('5a562e62100338001218dffa')},{ _id: 0, 'location':1});

Second step to look for point in the polygon.

db.neighborhoods.find(   {     "boundries": {       $geoIntersects: {          $geometry: {             type: "Point" ,             coordinates: result.location.coordinates.coordinates          }       }     }   })