maximum field and item size limits in dynamo db and mongo db maximum field and item size limits in dynamo db and mongo db mongodb mongodb

maximum field and item size limits in dynamo db and mongo db

The MongoDB limit is currently 16MB per document, this has increased a couple of times over the course of development, but that is the limit as of the current release (2.0.x at the time of writing), see here:

I'm not as familiar with the various limits in Dynamo, but you can find a list of them here:

DynamoDB max per item is currently 64k (which is seen by many as a serious shortcoming). Best practice for documents larger than 64k would be to store a pointer to document (S3?) instead of the entire document, but this obviously has some associated issues as well.

The maximum size allowed for an item in Dynamo DB is 400KB. This is mentioned here