Measure time of query in Mongo Measure time of query in Mongo mongodb mongodb

Measure time of query in Mongo

You can add .explain("executionStats") at the end of the query.

The easiest way is to set the profiling level in MongoDB:

Once you've done this, details on all of your queries will be logged to the system profile table.

Using Robo 3T and this worked for me in aggregation -

db.getCollection('product_verification').explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$match: {"company_id":1}},{$lookup: {    "from": "product",    "let": {"company": "$company_id", "code": "$item_code"},    "pipeline": [       {$match: {$expr: {$and: [           {"$eq": ["$company_id", "$$company"]},           {"$eq": ["$item_code", "$$code"]},           {"$in": ["$brand_uid",[13, 20]]}           ]}           }}    ],    "as": "details"    }}])

And when using not aggregation

db.getCollection('product').find({name: "lenovo"}).explain("executionStats")