Meteor collection not being created automatically on start and autoform doesn't post to mongo db Meteor collection not being created automatically on start and autoform doesn't post to mongo db mongodb mongodb

Meteor collection not being created automatically on start and autoform doesn't post to mongo db

ok solved....Very ashamed of this as this is again a version issue with a meteor package - 'accounts-ui'. Sometimes packages do not get upgraded in India due to the famous CDN issue.

Still, collection do not get created by itself. I had to go to mongoDB console and create it by myself. Then only autoform posted to it

Why do you re-import meteor/meteor in /server/main.js?

To do that I use export like this:

export const RecipesCollection = new Mongo.Collection('recipes');

and then use the name of the collection:

{{> quickForm collection="RecipesCollection" id="insertRecipeForm" type="insert" class="new-recipe-form" }}