Mocking Mongoose model with jest Mocking Mongoose model with jest mongodb mongodb

Mocking Mongoose model with jest

An other solution is to spyOn the model prototype functions.

For example, this will make fail :

    jest.spyOn(MyModel.prototype, 'save')      .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject('fail update'))

You can use mockImplementationOnce to not having to mockRestore the spy. But you can also use mockImplementation and use something like :

afterEach(() => {  jest.restoreAllMocks()})

Tested with "mongoose": "^4.11.7" and "jest": "^23.6.0".

ok, i had the same problem so i author this package to solve this problem:

this is how you can use it let's say this is your model:

import mongoose from 'mongoose';const { Schema } = mongoose;const schema = Schema({    name: String,    email: String,    created: { type: Date, default: }})export default mongoose.model('User', schema);

and this is your test:

it('should find', () => {  mockingoose.User.toReturn({ name: 2 });  return User  .find()  .where('name')  .in([1])  .then(result => {    expect(result).toEqual({ name: 2 });  })});

checkout the tests folder for more examples:

no connections is made to the database!

Mockingoose seems to be a very nice solution. But I was also able to mock my model with Jest.mock() function. At least create method.

// in the module under the test I am creating (saving) DeviceLocation to DB// someBackendModule.js...DeviceLocation.create(location, (err) => {...});...

DeviceLocation model definition:

// DeviceLocation.jsimport mongoose from 'mongoose';const { Schema } = mongoose;const modelName = 'deviceLocation';const DeviceLocation = new Schema({...});export default mongoose.model(modelName, DeviceLocation, modelName);

DeviceLocation mock in the __mocks__ folder in the same folder as DeviceLocation model:

// __mock__/DeviceLocation.jsexport default {    create: (x) => {            return x;    },};

in the test file:

// test.js// calling the mock...jest.mock('../../src/models/mongoose/DeviceLocation');import someBackendModule from 'someBackendModule';...// perform the test