MongoDB backup strategy for AWS MongoDB backup strategy for AWS mongodb mongodb

MongoDB backup strategy for AWS

Old question but I think that I can contribute with more details and informations about a real success case.

In a production environment I have 3 Mongodb with replicaset running in 3 T2.micro instances, 1 instance is the primary, 1 instance is the secondary and 1 instance is delayed (every 4 hours is synchronized) with persistent EBS (it's not deleted after instance reboot).Every 4.5 hours I start a Lambda process that makes a EBS snapshot of delayed instance and sends to a S3 bucket.This is working pretty well.

Some links that can help:

Who better than 10gen (MongoDB developers) to responds you.

You can see in follogin site, official documentation about MongoDB backups in EC2 instances.

They suggest an EBS snapshots. This solution permits start instance in a few of seconds with a "photo" of your database.

We use (at least two) linux instances with the data stored on EBS and replica sets (