Mongodb can not start because of WiredTiger.turtle permissions Mongodb can not start because of WiredTiger.turtle permissions mongodb mongodb

Mongodb can not start because of WiredTiger.turtle permissions

Same problem with WiredTiger.turtle permissions. Ubuntu 18.04My problem was I started a mongod service with sudo. This created files with root:root ownership in my database directory. When starting mongod service without sudo I received the permission denied error.

Solution was to change ownership of all files in the db directory back to mongodb:mongodb

$ sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb/*

I solve the same problem that you had deleting my /data/db folder, after that I re-created it and I gave it write and read control.

I used the official documentation to install my version but additional I did the stuff with data folder

Hope help.

In my case on Manjaro-Linux (Arch-Linux like), there was a wrong user:group permission on /var/lib/mongodb/WiredTiger.turtle.

Doing sudo chown mongodb:daemon /var/lib/mongodb/WiredTiger.turtle fix it for me.

BUT what was the cause of this permission-failure?

The cause was, that I've tried to limit the Cache-Usage of the wiredTigerCache.Everytime I try this, permissions are set in wrong way to root:rootsudo mongod --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1