Mongodb : Check if a point is inside a stored polygon Mongodb : Check if a point is inside a stored polygon mongodb mongodb

Mongodb : Check if a point is inside a stored polygon

You must store your location data like this schema:

{"loc":     {"coordinates":[       [         [1.0,1.0],         [1.0,10.0],         [10.0,10.0],         [10.0,1.0],         [1.0,1.0]       ]      ],     "type":"Polygon"   }}

and then send $geoIntersects queries

db.polygons.find({"loc":{"$geoIntersects":{"$geometry":{"type":"Point", "coordinates":[x, y]}}}}

You have to use $geoIntersects for that.

db.features.find({mystoredpolygon:{$geoIntersects:{$geometry:{type:'Point', coordinates:[22,38]}}}})

Yes, you can use $geoWithin for the check, provided you define the countries as polygons using GeoJSON. For that, try this GitHub repo.