MongoDB design - tags MongoDB design - tags mongodb mongodb

MongoDB design - tags

I'd probably go with a schema like this, which stores the tags in a string array field:

db.movies.insert({    name: "The Godfather",    director: "Francis Ford Coppola",    tags: [ "mafia", "wedding", "violence" ]})db.movies.insert({    name: "Pulp Fiction",    director: "Quentin Tarantino",    tags: [ "briefcase", "violence", "gangster" ]})db.movies.insert({    name: "Inception",    director: "Christopher Nolan",    tags: [ "dream", "thief", "subconscious" ]})

You wouldn't need map-reduce for this type of query. By embedding the tags inside the the movie document you can take advantage of MongoDB's multikey feature, and find movies with a given tag using single find() query like this:

db.movies.find( { tags: "dream" } )

And like you said, it's also worth adding an index to the multikey array to improve query performance:

db.movies.ensureIndex( { tags: 1 } )

You can always filter the fields that are returned as part of the query result.

The link to the docs that details how to do so is

This will let you filter out parts of the movie object that you re not interested in.