Mongodb failing on Debian Mongodb failing on Debian mongodb mongodb

Mongodb failing on Debian

If you don't find any traces in the logs:

tail -f -n50 /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log

you should try to start the server in foreground:

sudo -u mongodb mongod --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/

and see what's happening.For instance, I had a locale problem.

Check your log "/var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log

Paste your log here please.

Could be related to several things. How much hdd space have you got free?Could be related to journaling. MongoDB by default takes a minimum of 3379MB in /journalDepending on the reason you are installing MongoDB you can either change the configuration to use "smallfiles" which will take up to 512MB files, although it will make it slower as it grows, since the files will be separated, OR disabling journalling which is not advisable.Hope this helps.

I encountered this same error message. In my case, the issue was that the locale I had specified in the $LOCALE environment (en_US.UTF-8) variable wasn't recognised by Linux.

(I was also getting warnings about setlocale whenever I opened a bash shell.)

In my case doing the following before installing worked:

locale-gen en_US.UTF-8