Mongodb Join on _id field from String to ObjectId Mongodb Join on _id field from String to ObjectId mongodb mongodb

Mongodb Join on _id field from String to ObjectId

You can use $toObjectId aggregation from mongodb 4.0 which converts String id to ObjectId

db.role.aggregate([  { "$lookup": {    "from": "user",    "let": { "userId": "$_id" },    "pipeline": [      { "$addFields": { "userId": { "$toObjectId": "$userId" }}},      { "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$userId", "$$userId" ] } } }    ],    "as": "output"  }}])

Or you can use $toString aggregation from mongodb 4.0 which converts ObjectId to String

db.role.aggregate([  { "$addFields": { "userId": { "$toString": "$_id" }}},  { "$lookup": {    "from": "user",    "localField": "userId",    "foreignField": "userId",    "as": "output"  }}])

This is not possible as of MongoDB 3.4. This feature has already been requested, but hasn't been implemented yet. Here are the corresponding tickets:

For now you'll have to store userId as ObjectId


The previous tickets were fixed in MongoDB 4.0. You can now achieve this with the folowing query:

db.user.aggregate([  {    "$project": {      "_id": {        "$toString": "$_id"      }    }  },  {    "$lookup": {      "from": "role",      "localField": "_id",      "foreignField": "userId",      "as": "role"    }  }])


[  {    "_id": "584aac38686860d502929b8b",    "role": [      {        "_id": ObjectId("584aaca6686860d502929b8d"),        "role": "Admin",        "userId": "584aac38686860d502929b8b"      }    ]  }]

try it online:

I think the previous answer has an error on the $toObjectId case. The let statement applies to the db collection on which the function aggregate is called (i.e 'role') and not on the collection pointed by "from" (i.e 'user').

db.role.aggregate([  { "$lookup": {    "let": { "userObjId": { "$toObjectId": "$userId" } },    "from": "user",    "pipeline": [      { "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$_id", "$$userObjId" ] } } }    ],    "as": "userDetails"  }}])


db.role.aggregate([  { "$project": { "userObjId": { "$toObjectId": "$userId" } } },  { "$lookup": {    "localField": "userObjId",    "from": "user",    "foreignField": "$_id",    "as": "userDetails"  }}])


db.user.aggregate([  { "$project": { "userStrId": { "$toString": "$_id" }}},  { "$lookup": {    "localField": "userStrId",    "from": "role",    "foreignField": "userId",    "as": "roleDetails"  }}])