MongoDB JSON or BSON? MongoDB JSON or BSON? mongodb mongodb


Yes, that is correct. MongoDB uses BSON to increase performance. See

There are various drivers that make it easy to work with MongoDB. In most cases you dont have to worry about BSON, since it is handled for you.

Not really for "performance".

BSON is an explanative version of JSON which allows the storage and manipulation of objects such as ISODate and OjbectId. It allows for MongoDB to produe a syntax and object rich document beyond what JSON can.

BSON normally takes more space than JSON due to its object usage and what not as such there is no serious performance gain. It is about the descriptive objects that can be used and sored with the document.

MongoDB communicates entirely in BSON, including query results.

When we are using mongodb that time we input json data but mongodb driver can convert it to bson data. it's faster more efficient for space also format size. For more information check this official documents: . For Know more about Bson Data type check this official link :