MongoDB/Mongoose - Adding an object to an array of objects only if a certain field is unique MongoDB/Mongoose - Adding an object to an array of objects only if a certain field is unique mongodb mongodb

MongoDB/Mongoose - Adding an object to an array of objects only if a certain field is unique

If you look into the documentation on your method you will see that the parameters passed are not in the proper order.

findByIdAndUpdate(id, update, options, callback)

I would use update instead and have your id and": { $ne: req.body.eventId } part of the initial filter followed by $addToSet: { "": req.body }

Something among these lines:

UserModel.update(  {      "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId),      "": { $ne: req.body.eventId }  },  { $addToSet: { "": req.body } },  { new: true });

You need to include your eventId check into condition part of your query. Because you're usig findByIdAndUpdate you can only pass single value matched against _id as a condition. Therefore you have to use findOneAndUpdate to specify custom filtering condition, try:

UserModel.findOneAndUpdate(    { _id: userId, "": { $ne: req.body.eventId } },    { $addToSet: { "": req.body } },    { new: true });