MongoDB only works when run as root on Ubuntu - data directory issue MongoDB only works when run as root on Ubuntu - data directory issue mongodb mongodb

MongoDB only works when run as root on Ubuntu - data directory issue

You created /data/db as root so it has those permissions. You can change the permissions to your user account, or whatever you have mongo running as.

chown -R username /data/db

or /data

You can also set a group

chown -R username.groupname

The -R does it recursively, so it will affect all the files you've created running mongoDB as root already.

I just had the same issue on RHEL 8, in year 2021.

I could run sudo mongod with sudo privileges but could not start it as a service with: sudo systemctl start mongod.

I tried many solutions and tested after each attempt, what ultimately solved it for me is changing ownership of /data/db/, /var/lib/mongo/, and /var/log/mongodb/ to mongod.

exact commands:

sudo chown -R mongod:mongod /var/lib/mongo/sudo chown -R mongod:mongod /var/log/mongodb/sudo chown -R mongod:mongod /data/