mongodb StatefulSet on kubernetes is not working anymore after kubernetes update mongodb StatefulSet on kubernetes is not working anymore after kubernetes update mongodb mongodb

mongodb StatefulSet on kubernetes is not working anymore after kubernetes update

I have workaround this issue:

  1. adding a MongoDB container to the cluster to dump and restore the MongoDB data
  2. dumping the current database
  3. deleting the MongoDB instance
  4. recreating a new MongoDB instance
  5. restoring the data to the new instance

yes unfortunately this comes with a downtime

Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources.

One official source would be "Running MongoDB on Kubernetes with StatefulSets" (from 2017, so a few adaptation/evolution might be needed), but you seem to have follow it.

Your error message was seen 2 months ago in SERVER 37724

In 4.0, we did make a change to the journaling process in which it follows the oplog instead of the data files themselves. That has a chance to be what is happening here.

To test that, try and use a MongoDB 3.6, to see if the issue persists.