Mongodb unit testing in .NET Mongodb unit testing in .NET mongodb mongodb

Mongodb unit testing in .NET

Instead of mocking MongoDB, you should be mocking a layer on top of MongoDB.

You might want to consider an interface that exposes the operations on your repository which are agnostic to the underlying data store. For example, you might want an interface that abstracts out operations on Student types, like so:

public interface IStudentOperations{    void Add(Student student);}

When you create your other dependencies, you inject instances of the above interface, or whichever higher-level abstractions you choose.

The point is, don't expose MongoDB directly.

Once you do that, you can mock the interfaces you create all you want, having one implementation for testing against the mock implementation, and then an actual implementation with it's own tests to validate that operations on the implementation are correct when the underlying implementation is with MongoDB.

While it's definitely possible to mock most of MongoDB's classes (as the methods are virtual), you gain the benefit of being persistence agnostic; if you want to switch to say, CouchDB or elasticsearch, you don't have to change the calls to these interfaces, you simply create a new implementation.

Because you are trying to test the implementation of the repository, then you are generally fine, as has been stated before, most of MongoDB's functions are virtual, which is friendly to most mocking libraries.

That said, you'll have to make sure that you pass the MongoDatabase into your repository (not create it in the repository) so that in your unit tests, you can create the appropriate mock and then pass it into your repository implementation for testing.

You need a repository/DAL layer to hide implementation details. Something like this:

public interface IDataContext<T>{   // Query   IList<T> GetAll<T>();   IList<T> GetByCriteria<T>(Query query);   T GetByID<T>(string id);   // CUD   void Add(T item);   void Delete(T item);   void Save(T item);}
  • For production code, implement the interface with mongo db operations with the assistance of C# driver
  • For unit test codes, mock the interface with an in-memory collection

It looks straightforward to mock Add/Delete/Save, and the intersting part is query function. Fortunately, since mongo C# driver supports LINQ expressions, we can use LINQ as the query language rather than reinventing the wheels.

For example, the production code may look like:

// collection is a MongoCollection<T> objectvar items = collection.AsQueryable().Where(...linq expression...);

And unit test code (if you go with Shim, MS test):

using (ShimsContext.Create()){                      ShimLinqExtensionMethods.AsQueryableOf1MongoCollectionOfM0(        (MongoCollection<T> x) => Fake_DB_Collection.AsQueryable());    // After this, the above "collection.AsQueryable()" will be mocked as     // an in-memory collection, which can be any subclass of IEnumerable<T>             } 

See this similar question: Mocking database in node.js?

In short, mocking MongoDB isn't the right approach. Mocking your repository is adequate for testing your own units, but you'll still need to test against MongoDB if you want to make sure that you're using it correctly, or if you are relying on uniqueness constraints etc.