MongoDb upsert exception invalid BSON field MongoDb upsert exception invalid BSON field mongodb mongodb

MongoDb upsert exception invalid BSON field

updateOne for updating document fields using update operators. You need replaceOne which takes the replacement document.

_collection.replaceOne(        trackID,        track,        new UpdateOptions().upsert( true ));

More here

Update Operators:

Update One:

Replace One:

Another option is setOnInsert, as shown in the document of MongoDB:

The operation works only when upsert is true.

In your case, you should put fields not to be modified in a document, and fields to be updated in another document, and in the third document, prepend $setOnInsert and $set as key, respectively.

A big advantage of $setOnInsert is that when inserting, it will perform $setOnInsert and $set part, but when updating, only $set will be executed.

For example, we have a document to insert/update, which has 5 fields: name, age, gender, createAt, updateAt.

  • When I do a query by field "name" and find no match, I want to insert the document with 5 fields, and fill createAt and updateAt with current datetime.
  • When I do a query by "name" and find a match, I want to update name and updateAt with current datetime.

What I do is:

query = Filters.eq("name", nameToSearch);Document upsert = new Document();Date now = new Date();//only fields not mentioned in "$set" is needed hereDocument toInsert = new Document()        .append("age", newAge)        .append("gender", genderString)        .append("createAt", now);//the fields to update here, whether on insert or on update.Document toUpdate = new Document().append("name", nameToSearch)        .append("updateAt", now);//will: // - insert 5 fields if query returns no match// - updates 2 fields if query returns matchupsert.append("$setOnInsert", toInsert)        .append("$set", toUpdate);UpdateResult result = collection.updateOne(query, toUpdate,     new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));