Mongodb $where query always true with nodejs Mongodb $where query always true with nodejs mongodb mongodb

Mongodb $where query always true with nodejs

First off, keep in mind that the $where operator should almost never be used for the reasons explained here (credit goes to @WiredPrairie).

Back to your issue, the approach you'd like to take won't work even in the mongodb shell (which explicitly allows naked js functions with the $where operator). The javascript code provided to the $where operator is executed on the mongo server and won't have access to the enclosing environment (the "context bindings").

> db.test.insert({a: 42})> db.test.find({a: 42}){ "_id" : ObjectId("5150433c73f604984a7dff91"), "a" : 42 }> db.test.find({$where: function() { return this.a == 42 }}) // works{ "_id" : ObjectId("5150433c73f604984a7dff91"), "a" : 42 }> var local_var = 42> db.test.find({$where: function() { return this.a == local_var }})error: {    "$err" : "error on invocation of $where function:\nJS Error: ReferenceError: local_var is not defined nofile_b:1",    "code" : 10071}

Moreover it looks like that the node.js native mongo driver behaves differently from the shell in that it doesn't automatically serialize a js function you provide in the query object and instead it likely drops the clause altogether. This will leave you with the equivalent of timetables.find({}) which will return all the documents in the collection.

This one is works for me , Just try to store a query as a string in one variable then concat your variable in query string,

var local_var = 42

var query = "{$where: function() { return this.a == "+local_var+"}}"


Store your query into a varibale and use that variable at your find query. It works..... :D