Mongoose async/await find then edit and save? Mongoose async/await find then edit and save? mongodb mongodb

Mongoose async/await find then edit and save?

This is what I was looking for:

try {    var accounts = await Account.findOneAndUpdate(        {"username" : ""},        {$set: {"password" : "aaaa"}},        {new : true}    );    res.status(200).json(accounts);} catch (error) {    handleError(res, error.message);}

or (thanks @JohnnyHK for the find vs findOne tip!):

try {    var accounts = await Account.findOne()    .where("username").in([""])    .exec();    accounts.password = 'asdf';;    res.status(200).json(accounts);} catch (error) {    handleError(res, error.message);}