Mongoose Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Document' Mongoose Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Document' mongodb mongodb

Mongoose Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Document'

The mongoose.model method accepts a type that defaults to mongoose.Document, which won't have properties you want on your User document.

To fix this, create an interface that describes your schema and extends mongoose.Document:

export interface UserDoc extends mongoose.Document {  email: {    type: string;    unique: boolean;    required: boolean;  }  ...}

Then, pass that through as the type for your model:

export = mongoose.model<UserDoc>('User', userSchema);

When I defined my entity interface I had it extending "Document" but had not imported anything.

When I crtl+click on it though I can see that it incorrectly thinks I was referring to the built-in node object "Document":

/** Any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the web page's content, which is the DOM tree. */interface Document extends Node, DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, DocumentOrShadowRoot, GlobalEventHandlers, NonElementParentNode, ParentNode, XPathEvaluatorBase {

After I explicitly told it to use Document from the mongoose library things worked. 👍

import { Document } from 'mongoose';