Mongorestore, from meteor production server to local Mongorestore, from meteor production server to local mongodb mongodb

Mongorestore, from meteor production server to local

The easiest way that I found:

  1. cd in your project and execute meteor command
  2. in another terminal:

mongorestore -h --port 3001 -d meteor dump/meteor

change if your localhost has different ip address and 3001 to a port you have mongodb on (it is usually 3001 or 3002, so try both), dump/meteor is the path to a dump you created previously.

Also the easiest way to export local db:

  1. cd in your project and execute meteor command
  2. In another terminal:

mongodump -h --port 3001 -d meteor

again, change localhost ip and port if needed. . As a result, the dump/meteor folder with db files will be created in the folder you cd before running mongodump.

Good luck.

To accomplish the opposite, sending local app data to production app, I wrote this little shell script. It has been useful while I am developing locally and just getting the demo synced for the client to view. Note it has --drop at the end which will overwrite your production database, use with care!

It takes care of the client, pw, and server data from meteor mongo --url ... which expires after 1 minute and is really annoying to try to copy-paste within that time.

#!/usr/bin/env bashmongodump -h -d meteor -o ~/www/APPNAME/server/dumpIN=`meteor mongo --url`client=`echo $IN | awk -F'mongodb://' '{print $2}' | awk -F':' '{print $1}'`echo $clientpw=`echo $IN | awk -F':' '{print $3}' | awk -F'@' '{print $1}'`echo $pwserv=`echo $IN | awk -F'@' '{print $2}' | awk -F'/' '{print $1}'`echo $servmongorestore -u $client -h $serv -d APPNAME_meteor_com dump/meteor -p $pw --drop

This is what I do:

I. Create a mongo dump in the server

    DATE=$(date +%m%d%y_%H.%M);    mongodump --host localhost -d APPNAME -o /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE     tar -cjvvf /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE.tar.bz2 /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE

II. Download the dump in the development machine and unpack in /tmp

    scp root@$HOST:/tmp/APPNAME_$DATE.tar.bz2 /tmp/    cp /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE.tar.bz2 .    mkdir -p /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE     cd /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE     tar -xjvf /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE.tar.bz2

III. Update local meteor development database

    mongorestore --db meteor  -h localhost --port 8082 --drop /tmp/APPNAME_$DATE/tmp/APPNAME_$DATE/APPNAME