NodeJS vs Play Framework for large project NodeJS vs Play Framework for large project mongodb mongodb

NodeJS vs Play Framework for large project

The stack you choose should depend upon the needs of your application. Let's look at Play vs. Node for their strengths:


  • Real-time applications (chat, feeds)
  • Event-driven architecture
  • Can perform client-server duties (e.g. serve files), but not well-suited for this
  • Database management, testing tools, etc, available as additional packages


  • Client-server applications (website, services)
  • Share-nothing architecture
  • Can perform real-time duties (e.g. Websockets), but not well-suited for this
  • Database management (including migrations!), testing tools, etc, built into core

If your application more closely matches a traditional web-based model, Play is probably your best choice. If you need immediate feedback and real-time dynamic messaging, Node is the better choice.

For large traditional applications, seriously consider the Play! Framework because of the built-in unit and functional testing along with database migrations. If incorporated into the development process, these go a long way toward an end product that works as expected and is stable and error-free.

There are 10 major categories you should consider when comparing web frameworks:

  1. Learn: getting started, ramp up, overall learning curve.
  2. Develop: routing, templates, i18n, forms, json, xml, data store access, real time web.
  3. Test: unit tests, functional tests, integration tests, test coverage.
  4. Secure: CSRF, XSS, code injection, headers, authentication, security advisories.
  5. Build: compile, run tests, preprocess static content (sass/less/CoffeScript), package.
  6. Deploy: hosting, monitoring, configuration.
  7. Debug: step by step debugger, profilers, logging,
  8. Scale: throughput, latency, concurrency.
  9. Maintain: code reuse, stability, maturity, type safety, IDEs.
  10. Share: open source activity, mailing lists, popularity, plugins, commercial support, jobs.

Check out my talk Node.js vs Play Framework for a detailed breakdown of how these two frameworks compare across these 10 dimensions.