Pandas - insert a dataframe to MongoDB Pandas - insert a dataframe to MongoDB mongodb mongodb

Pandas - insert a dataframe to MongoDB

You were very close, we can re-use your code.

Note, we still use pymongo.MongoClient and pandas.DataFrame.to_dict, with one param added in the latter.to_dict(orient='records')
we would then have

from pymongo import MongoClientimport pandas as pdclient = MongoClient()  # Remember your uri stringcol = client['test']['test']df = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Braund','Cummings','Heikkinen','Allen'],                   'age': [22,38,26,35],                   'fare': [7.25, 71.83, 0 , 8.05],                   'survived?': [False, True, True, False]})data = df.to_dict(orient='records')  # Here's our added param..col.insert_many(data)

In short, by specifying orient='records' the output is a list of dicts, the same format accepted by insert_many. Also, as a bonus - to_dict does better with datetime-type columns as compared to to_json!