Play ReactiveMongo - exception when trying to find one document Play ReactiveMongo - exception when trying to find one document mongodb mongodb

Play ReactiveMongo - exception when trying to find one document

Turns out the ID needs to be a valid ObjectId, e.g. 24 characters and no illegal tokens.

  • If the ID is valid but does not reference an existing document then I get a 404 as expected.
  • If the ID format is invalid (e.g. only 12 characters or contains illegal tokens like '@') then I get an Exception.

When I compare behaviour with an equivalent Node.js + Mongoose app results are very similar.

For example if deliberately querying with a malformed 12 character ID I get this stacktrace in Node:

{ message: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "51bded70543f" at path "_id"',  name: 'CastError',  type: 'ObjectId',  value: '51bded70543f',  path: '_id' }

Not sure if this exception is the underlying error in the Play app too but it gave enough of a clue.The answer would seem to be pre-validate IDs before calling find(query).one[T].